Friday, May 14, 2010

At the McKinstry Innovation Center

We moved into the McKinstry Innovation Center on Monday and we're now mostly unpacked. It's a beautiful space--light, airy and spacious. I took a few pictures today that give perhaps a sense of our new office and the various shared workspaces.

McKinstry Innovation Center third floor entrance
The third floor lobby entrance--where innovation begins!

McKinstry Innovation Center kitchen and dining area
Looking from the entrance towards the kitchen and dining area.

McKinstry Innovation Center open collaborative area
View down the length of the space showing some of the open collaborative area. Skylights make use of artificial lighting mostly unnecessary during the day.

McKinstry Innovation Center meeting room
One of the several meeting rooms in the middle of the floor. Each is built with recycled railroad ties, aluminum and glass. The green LCD display shows the room is available; the panel allows room reservation in advance.

McKinstry Innovation Center party space
A welcoming and open space at the north end of the floor has already seen its first party. Storage, sink, built-in ice maker and wine fridge suggest there will be more!

McKinstry Innovation Center large meeting room
One of two large conference rooms at the end feature a gorgeous split slab table top from a salvaged tree. The McKinstry shop building is on the left, with a view of downtown Seattle in the distance.

Hydrovolts meeting with Markey Machinery at the McKinstry Innovation Center
The Hydrovolts team meets with engineers from Markey Machinery to discuss next steps in the intrumentation and testing of the Hydrovolts Alpha-1C Flipwing Turbine prototype. (L-R: James Marvin, Hydrovolts Director of Field Operations and Business Development; Gary Nishimura, Markey Machinery Engineer; Burt Hamner, Hydrovolts Co-founder and CEO; Peter Hammerschlag, Markey Machinery Chief Engineer; Brian Peithman, Hydrovolts Director of Engineering)

Hydrovolts' office at the McKinstry Innovation Center
Hydrovolts' office. There are still boxes to unpack and things to hang up.

In a few weeks we will host an open house for our customers, partners, investors, vendors, families and friends. By then we will be fully installed and charging ahead. We look forward to seeing you and showing you both our fabulous new digs and also sharing some of the exciting developments of the past few weeks.

McKinstry Innovation Center
210 South Hudson Street
Suite 330
Seattle, WA 98134-2417

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Vik Duggal said...

Congratulations! So exciting!

Unknown said...

Thanks! It's just General Biodiesel and us in there right now. It will be more fun with other entrepreneurs side-by-side. Soon, I expect.