Friday, May 7, 2010

Hydrovolts Moves to McKinstry Innovation Center

Monday is moving day!

We've been at our current office for more than a year, but are in the final stages of making our move to the McKinstry Innovation Center down in Georgetown. Our time at WRF has been great and the people--including Ron, John, Loretta, Kim, Thong, Morgan, Dale, and Britt--fantastic. Thanks to all of our friends at WRF for being part of our growth and progress!

Hydrovolts is one of two initial tenants at the McKinstry Innovation Center along with General Biodiesel.

Our new address is

210 South Hudson Street
Suite 330
Seattle, WA 98134-2417

Phone number TBA 206-658-4380. Our website, social media channels, emails, etc. remain unchanged.

Some press on the move here, here, here, and here.

Update: Added phone number and zip+4
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